הצהרת נגישות

© כל הזכויות שמורות 2018

PesticideScreener 2.1

Brukers PesticideScreener 2.1 *new release* High Resolution Mass Spectrometry meeting the Challenge of Comprehensive Pesticide Analysis
The use of pesticides to reduce crop damage and to increase horticultural productivity has been implemented on a global scale for many decades. Due to their toxicity, the potential migration of these chemicals into the human food and water supply chains presents considerable health concerns for the population at large. Therefore the maximum residue level (MRL) permitted for pesticides in food; feeds and water are strictly controlled by local and international regulatory bodies. One of the most important aspects in reducing pesticide exposure is to monitor their levels in the environment, but with increasing demands for lower detection thresholds to cover hundreds of pesticides from numerous sample types, accurate and reliable pesticide screening and quantitation is a complex analytical task.

The Bruker PesticideScreener is a powerful liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry solution developed to meet these challenging demands. The solution intelligently exploits high resolution, accurate mass measurements, enabling you confidently screen, confirm and quantify hundreds of pesticides at trace levels in a single rapid analysis

For More information About PesticideScreener 2.1